This is an official, approved document 1937, Official EDASCAL Ballot, in accordance with bylaw 200.110. This form is used to submit votes on proposed modifications to EDASCAL bylaws. To reduce administrative resource allocation, we ask authorized parties to submit only one vote on each issue, unless the party chooses to change his/her/their vote. If you are unsure about whether you have voted on a certain issue, you are authorized to submit a vote on the issue below. NOTICE: If you have voted on an issue before submitting a vote below, your previous vote will be canceled and rendered null and void. The EDASCAL number must be submitted at the same time an issue is voted on; this ballot will not be valid otherwise. To reduce the risk of other unauthorized parties submitting a ballot on your behalf without your permission, we ask for additional information that will only be used to cross-reference with our information database. Please note that EDASCAL voting requirements are separate and independent from government-based voting requirements. These requirements are not integrated with, and are not affected by, each other.