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Everyone Deserves A Second Chance At Life Gets 501(c)(3) Approval

Donations are now tax-deductible

May 30, 2009 -- After filing for tax-exempt status with the IRS in January, Everyone Deserves A Second Chance At Life (EDASCAL) has received a notice stating that it is officially a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

"I'm very glad," says the International Director of EDASCAL. "I've seen too many good people make that one mistake that lands them in jail, and their life just takes a nose dive from that point on."

Good people? "Most people who enter the legal system are polite, helpful and friendly. They just make some poor choices in their lives, like theft or using drugs, and society puts a stigma on them that they are all evil people. That's just not true.

"I've noticed that most of them regret their past and want to change their lives, but either they don't know how to do that or they think everybody's given up on them, so why bother? We're here to give them hope."

He says that the main problem is that "we're too new. We're still laying the foundation of the organization to prepare to open offices and serve the public."

Anybody who would like to contribute to the success of EDASCAL may contact EDASCAL visit http://www.edascal.org.

For More Information Contact:

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance At Life
307 S 9th Ave. #192, Walla Walla, WA 99362
FAX: 267-222-6519
Internet: Click here