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What prizes will be awarded?
Three (3) winners will win a $500 scholarship.

Who can qualify for this scholarship?
Entrants must be a US citizen, US resident alien or a permanent US resident. Entrants must also attend any accredited public or private, religious or non-religious US college or university in or before the Summer 2024 term. We cannot accept entries from people who have not yet reached 13 years of age. No purchase, donation, volunteering or other outside promotion of EDASCAL is necessary. A purchase, donation, volunteering, activism, or other outside promotion of EDASCAL does not affect the odds of winning this scholarship.

Do I need to be a disabled veteran to qualify?
No. EDASCAL does not consider disability, veteran status, or criminal history when determining the winner.

What criteria will determine the winner of the scholarship?
Each acceptable social media platform to which you have posted a valid post will earn one (1) entry, regardless of how many posts were made on each platform. We do not consider other posts when determining eligibility.

Each entry will be given an entry number. The winning entries will be selected by generating a number in as random a manner as practicable. No purchase, donation, volunteering or other outside promotion of EDASCAL is necessary. A purchase, donation, volunteering, activism, or other outside promotion of EDASCAL does not affect the odds of winning this scholarship.

What social media accounts are acceptable?
We allow a post to your Facebook wall, a post to your Instagram story, a post to your Twitter feed, a video to your YouTube account (a brief mention in a longer video with a link in the description is acceptable), a post to your Tumblr blog, a post to a Reddit forum, or a Pin on Pinterest. Other social media platforms and blogs will be considered on request.

What am I allowed to say when posting?
Significantly offensive or significantly inflammatory comments may not be considered for this scholarship. Posts that include positive and/or respectfully critical content will be considered for this scholarship. Although not required, we ask that you refrain from the following when when posting: profanity; and promoting drug abuse, crime, alcohol abuse, abusive violence, civil disobedience, or sexual misconduct. We do not consider other posts when determining eligibility.

I don't have a social media account. Can I still submit an entry?
Yes! You can ask a friend or family member who is at least 13 years of age to post to his//her/their account. For eligibility purposes, the post will be treated as though it is posted to your account. To facilitate verification, please have the person email us with your name and a link to the post. You will still need to email us us your name, your primary e-mail address, and the link to the post. We will not use or retain the person's contact information except as necessary for this scholarship or as permitted by our Privacy Policy.

Please note that only one post per social media platform per entrant is acceptable. This means that if your friends's account is used on your behalf and your friend wants to enter, your friend must ask another friend to post on your friend's behalf.

If I e-mail my friends, can I still earn an entry?
We cannot count e-mail contacts as entries. Our concerns are the implications of potentially collecting information regarding people under 13 years of age, and spam. However, you're welcome to e-mail friends and family on your own without submitting an entry.

I want to express an opinion or other comment that may be interpreted as counterproductive, unpopular, or "wrong".  Will I be penalized for this view?
Probably not.  We support free, well-reasoned thought. The purpose of this scholarship is not only to enrich the quality of education for three aspiring college graduates, but also to promote the welfare of people who are recovering from a criminal offense. Plus, we always welcome feedback. Maybe we failed to consider a certain issue. Maybe our activism has unintended consequenses. Your comments and opinions can help make society better.

When will EDASCAL determine whether I qualify?
Fully verifying qualification of applicants too early can create a fast-growing backlog that we cannot accommodate. For this reason, we initially focus on whether an entry appears to be valid. When this preliminary determination is made, that preliminary decision is final pending full verification of qualifications. On or about July 2, 2020, we will select three entries as randomly as practicable. When those entries are selected, we will then ask the entrants for more information and to verify their qualification. This information may include plans and history regarding education, social media account viewership (no password requested), and verification of date of birth. No purchase, donation, volunteering or other outside promotion of EDASCAL is necessary. A purchase, donation, volunteering, activism, or other outside promotion of EDASCAL does not affect the odds of winning this scholarship.

If I submit multiple valid entries, can I win multiple awards?
Yes, if you submitted multiple valid entries that are selected as outlined above, each entry will be declared a winner, regardless of the number of entries that won. Winning is subject to verification of qualifications. For example, if you posted one post to Facebook and one tweet on Twitter, you would have two valid entries. if you posted to Facebook once and posted to Facebook a month later, you would have one valid entry.

Do I need to submit letters of recommendation or transcripts?
We do not require letters of recommendation or transcripts. We believe letters of recommendation may inhibit responses from potential entrants. Requiring transcripts would likely inhibit responses from those who have not attended school for a long time and cannot otherwise afford education. Our goal is to promote equal access to education.

Will EDASCAL hold future scholarship opportunities?
We cannot guarantee whether we will have future scholarships, but we are continuously looking for ways to repeat successful scholarship opportunities.

How will my information be used?
In accordance with our Privacy Policy, we do not release entrants' information for marketing or advertising purposes.  We do not distribute our contact list to any third party unless we need to use the services of a third party who stipulates to comply with our Privacy Policy.  When the scholarship winners are announced, we will publish the winners' first names, last initials, and states of residence.  No other information will be made available to the public.

I feel bad about not donating to EDASCAL.
Don't feel bad! Our main goal is to raise awareness of bigger issues, such as veterans who have difficulty recovering from a criminal conviction after coming home with PTSD. It doesn't matter whether we get donations or not as long as veterans get the help they need. Your help in raising awareness of this issue is a crucial step in helping us accomplish our mission. Thank you.

How do I ask a question not found in this FAQ?
You can e-mail us your question. We'll respond as soon as we can.


To submit an application, please click here. Be sure to include your name, your primary email address, and a link to the social media post in which the link to our newsletter was posted. No purchase, donation, volunteering or other outside promotion of EDASCAL is necessary. A purchase, donation, volunteering, activism, or other outside promotion of EDASCAL does not affect the odds of winning this scholarship.